What is Weight Wellness?
If you read my post titled, Weight Wellness: My Body, My Way, My Wellness, then you know I am embarking on dropping some weight. So, why do I call it Weight Wellness and not weight loss? We live in a society where everyone has an opinion about those of us whom are bigger than a size 6. The diets, the eating trends, the fitness world, Bloggers, and Vloggers; everyone has a point of view of on weight, food, and weight loss. One of the most amazing things about humans is our diversity, there are no duplicates. We differ in everything from eating to ethnicity, so then there can't be a one size fits all way of living well. Our bodies are different, we live in different climates, we live in different socioeconomic situations, and different cultures. Our belief systems and how we view and/or relate to food is as unique as our fingerprints.
There are so many voices speaking to us about health and weight and none of them are saying the same thing. The contradictions and competition in the food industry can be confusing and off putting. Vegan, Alkaline, Paleo, Low Carb, High Carb, and Keto just to name a few all have different agendas and goals; it is maddening and often suspicious. While I think that each has it's own benefit, I don't think that either of them is a singular solution to every one's wellness. How does a person with an Eating Disorder fit into these eating equations? I am no stranger to dieting and the game of gaining and losing weight. I have never been skinny in my life nor do I desire to be. My only desire is wellness. I am not naive enough to believe that weight doesn't play a role in wellness but I do believe that wellness is subjective. Now there are some universal guidelines that everyone can benefit from, things like moderation, limiting processed foods, less sugar, and making healthier food choices.
So, what is Weight Wellness and how will I achieve it. To me, weight wellness is a level of healthiness that is specific to my body, my culture, and my lifestyle; it's personal. When I saw the number on the scale, 294, I knew I had to do something different. I have lived in a plus size body all of my life and I will die in a plus size body. However, that doesn't mean I have to be unhealthy. For me, 294 is unhealthy for my body and the life that I want to live. I have no aspirations to drop 100 lbs or go on some crash diet but I do want to live as well as I can in the body that I've been given. I want to take care of my vessel. Currently, I am in a Bursitis flare up that is beyond painful, some days I struggle to walk and I fell down my stairs recently. The flare is so extreme because I have put on extra pounds due to medication. I am Pre-Diabetic and I have High Blood Pressure, all of which is hereditary. I don't want to die young, some of the weight has got to go.
I began researching and looking for a way of eating that I could live with for the rest of my life, it was more overwhelming than the number on the scale! Because I have an Anxiety Disorder and I battle episodes of Food Aversion, just researching was making me ill; I had to logout, meditate, and regroup. The only thing that I can honestly do and live with is portion control and moderation. Of course, there will be foods that I will either eliminate or have rarely. I have several food allergies, which makes certain foods off limits, there is a long list of foods that I absolutely can't have. I don't want to obsess about food, calories, carbs, etc; I want to eat and be well. Because of my anxiety and personality, obsessing is easy for me and can quickly morph into an Eating Disorder. I already struggle with Disordered Eating. I have to be very thoughtful about my methods and how I am perceiving food; I can't be casual about my approach. This is not a weight loss journey, a diet, nor a trend; this is me striving to live in a state of wellness that is optimal for my body. Don't worry, my evolution will be documented via my blog and televised via my YouTube channel. I wish you all wellness!!!
There are so many voices speaking to us about health and weight and none of them are saying the same thing. The contradictions and competition in the food industry can be confusing and off putting. Vegan, Alkaline, Paleo, Low Carb, High Carb, and Keto just to name a few all have different agendas and goals; it is maddening and often suspicious. While I think that each has it's own benefit, I don't think that either of them is a singular solution to every one's wellness. How does a person with an Eating Disorder fit into these eating equations? I am no stranger to dieting and the game of gaining and losing weight. I have never been skinny in my life nor do I desire to be. My only desire is wellness. I am not naive enough to believe that weight doesn't play a role in wellness but I do believe that wellness is subjective. Now there are some universal guidelines that everyone can benefit from, things like moderation, limiting processed foods, less sugar, and making healthier food choices.
So, what is Weight Wellness and how will I achieve it. To me, weight wellness is a level of healthiness that is specific to my body, my culture, and my lifestyle; it's personal. When I saw the number on the scale, 294, I knew I had to do something different. I have lived in a plus size body all of my life and I will die in a plus size body. However, that doesn't mean I have to be unhealthy. For me, 294 is unhealthy for my body and the life that I want to live. I have no aspirations to drop 100 lbs or go on some crash diet but I do want to live as well as I can in the body that I've been given. I want to take care of my vessel. Currently, I am in a Bursitis flare up that is beyond painful, some days I struggle to walk and I fell down my stairs recently. The flare is so extreme because I have put on extra pounds due to medication. I am Pre-Diabetic and I have High Blood Pressure, all of which is hereditary. I don't want to die young, some of the weight has got to go.
I began researching and looking for a way of eating that I could live with for the rest of my life, it was more overwhelming than the number on the scale! Because I have an Anxiety Disorder and I battle episodes of Food Aversion, just researching was making me ill; I had to logout, meditate, and regroup. The only thing that I can honestly do and live with is portion control and moderation. Of course, there will be foods that I will either eliminate or have rarely. I have several food allergies, which makes certain foods off limits, there is a long list of foods that I absolutely can't have. I don't want to obsess about food, calories, carbs, etc; I want to eat and be well. Because of my anxiety and personality, obsessing is easy for me and can quickly morph into an Eating Disorder. I already struggle with Disordered Eating. I have to be very thoughtful about my methods and how I am perceiving food; I can't be casual about my approach. This is not a weight loss journey, a diet, nor a trend; this is me striving to live in a state of wellness that is optimal for my body. Don't worry, my evolution will be documented via my blog and televised via my YouTube channel. I wish you all wellness!!!
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