Hobby, Happiness, and Home
What would life be without those things that feed our souls? As women, we are so busy, there's always something or someone that needs our attention. For me, life had become so overwhelming with death, loss, confusion, fear, hurt, and grief; it seemed like those that I loved the most were dying suddenly and rapidly. My days were spent obsessively thinking and worrying; I was sinking. My Life Coach instructed me to implement an abundance of self care. Because I have never been high on my own list of priorities, I was so ignorant and quiet uncomfortable with the idea of doing something solely for self. In the beginning, I felt like she was torturing me. I am a perfectionist and if I can't do it precisely, I don't want any part of it; hmm, sounds like fear to me. I fumbled and stumbled my way through learning about self care with her there as my guide, I cried a whole lot, she let me cry a whole lot, and then she pushed me onward. Through her persistent instruction and my willingness to submit to her and learn, I fell in love with things that I had long abandoned. I started to remember the pleasure of decorating my home, adding a few touches here and there can transition any house into a home.
Currently, I am overhauling all of our wall decor with pictures of family members. I had/have some beautiful pieces hanging throughout my home but I want to see those whom I love when I walk through my sacred space. Also, I have a chair that I stalked for over a year because I felt like I could get it at a better price and I DID! I purchased the chair, had it delivered and I sat it in the perfect spot. I have had that chair more than 3 years and I never sat in it until recently, why? Self care was a much needed mental therapy and an unexpected spiritual awakening. I became a Minimalist because of self care, we will discuss that in another post. In the beginning I felt so much guilt for doing something just because I wanted to, after all, I am a wife, mom, Mimi, sister, and friend; who has time to be selfish and practice self care? I can profess that self care changed my life and while I haven't mastered it and sometimes guilt creeps in, I forge ahead. I look for ways to pour into and love on Tamika, she is number 1 on my priority list, weird but so wonderfully true. Me First became my motto and I make no apologies for it. How can I pour into anyone if I am empty. Practicing Self Care is not only beneficial for me, it helps me be a more proficient giver, when I am living in my overflow I can fill other vessels and not run low. So I encourage you to love yourself enough to take moments to pull away from everything and everybody and love on YOU. In the beginning those closets to you are gonna get mad and be very uneasy, that is not your focus nor your fight; just like you will have to adjust and learn so will they. Self Care is a personal experience and your rituals won't look like the next persons, you will do things that feed you and your happiness, those things that take you away and just settle and soothe you. I will share a few of my Self Care Rituals with you.
Shower Meditation
Getting Mani/Pedi
Home Decor
Watching Documentaries
Candlelight baths
Spending time alone
I have learned to do some many delicious things for myself and the more I practice the more self care becomes a necessary constant in my life. I am forever thankful to my Life Coach for leading me down this path because it changed my life and is making me a more balanced and less anxious woman. Let's talk Self Care, what are some things that you do to love on yourself?
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