What About Your Friends
Friendships, I believe are the cornerstone of our social existence. I wholeheartedly believe that everybody needs somebody. However, I realize that friendships, especially between women can sometimes be a struggle. Women are emotional creatures by design and that is not something to be ashamed of, it is our power. Unfortunately, many of us have not been taught how to manage this power; so we end up in power struggles with ourselves and with our friends. I see so many gal pal relationships implode because of ego, hurt feelings, miscommunication, betrayal, gossip, and other girl stuff. I am one of the fortunate ones in that I have had long lasting friendships that span decades. Please understand, that doesn't mean we haven't had our issues, it means that I learned to value my relationships enough to work through the mess.
Recently, 91 days today to be exact, I loss one of my best friends and it devastated my whole life. To be talking to her one minute and getting a call the next is something that I still struggle to understand. There are so many things about LeAnn that I miss from her voice, our inappropriate jokes, and even her stank attitude when she didn't get her way, I miss her and all that came with her. I often think of our last conversation, replaying it in my mind looking for clues to explain her sudden departure; I come up blank every single time. The one thing that I do remember is the last thing we said to each other was, I love you. Well I said "I love you" she said, "Love you to;" true LeAnn. If there is a blessing to come from the devastation of losing my Bestie, it is my fervent commitment to make sure that my friends know how much I love them and how grateful I am that they choose to be apart of my life.
It pains my heart to hear women say, :I don't have friends." To me, to be without a friend, a true friend, is the worst existence. Friendships are one of God's greatest gifts to us and I am on a campaign to promote, preserve, and protect the sacred sisterhood of friendship. Everybody needs a LeAnn, Claresia, Ayana, and the rest of my tribe{too many to name}. Here's to friendship! Here's to more girl's days! Let's here it for the girls!!
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