You See Me Not My Pain

You See Me Not My Pain? What does that mean?

When you live with the pain and complications of Invisible Illness, you will find that people will judge you solely based on your appearance. To the eye you look perfectly fine. You don't have any deformities. You aren't in a wheelchair. You can talk, hear, and see BUT you are sick. Sadly, while you look fine externally, internally, you feel like you are being eaten alive by an enemy that you can't see.  You are in pain. You are exhausted. You are a ball of anxiety/depression. Yet, no one can see your struggle because it is COMPLETELY invisible to the naked eye.

Most humans, including medical professionals have a difficult time embracing and accepting something that they can't see. By instinct, a person's first impression is commonly based on outward appearances. We live in an instant society, nobody has time for anything, we are all rushing to get here or there.  Getting people to truly SEE you takes time and most people vow that they have no time for anything these days.  So, what does that mean for women like us who live within this fast paced society? You will find that you are constantly explaining why you can't do this or that to the same people. You will have to justify your numerous medical appointments. You will have to explain why you are no longer interested in the things that you use to adore. It is out of this frustration that, You See Me Not My Pain, was born.

You See Me Not My Pain(YSMNMP), is focused on bringing awareness and acceptance to Invisible Illnesses that plague women. The goal of this entity is to teach people within our community to truly SEE us for who we are.  Through this venture, family/friends will learn how to HEAR and RECOGNIZE the signals of loved ones who live with Invisible Illnesses. It will empower the Sufferer to stand up and be heard. In time, the days of having to constantly prove that your condition is real will become minimal.  Encountering doctors who will attempt to convince you that you are slowly going crazy will decrease. Having the ones you love tell you to, "get over it." or "learn to live with it," will hopefully cease. Through YSMNMP, people will learn the value of empathy and drop the assumed suspicion that all we want is attention and sympathy. Our loved ones will be empowered with the ability to SEE our struggle which will help them to become advocates for us and to join in the fight to Make Invisible Illnesses, VISIBLE! Will this completely eradicate the obstacles of living with Invisible Illness, NO but it is a damn good start! Stay Tuned........


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