Surgery: The Psychological Recovery

I know...I know.... I have been MIA. There has been a lot going on in my world, with the most recent being my surgery. I am doing this a little bit backwards but I felt this topic was more pressing that the details of my surgery. I don't think that people realize that recovering from surgery is not just a physical process, it's emotional as well, especially surgeries that involve "female areas." Its because of my own realization of this process that I am writing this piece. 
When we think of surgery recovery most people think of foods, comfort, entertainment, meds, childcare, the financial impact, and other life related things. I dare to say, the biggest and most important component is being overlooked. As women, we are emotional creatures and that is a wonderful thing. However, most of us try to suppress and ignore our emotional needs until they boil up and erupt. When it comes to surgery the same applies. Until we and the people around us understand and put measures in place for the emotional recovery process, our overall recovery may be hindered. 
If you are like me a light bulb has just clicked on. I am a week  post surgery and I promise you my emotions have been all over the place. I did not realize until about day 5 that I was ignoring an important aspect of recovery, my mental and emotional well being. So then the question becomes, how do we ensure that we are recovering  wholly? I am not a Mental Health Professional, so I can only tell you what I am doing and what is currently helping me work my way to total recovery:
  • Build Your Team: LORD!! If I have known this two weeks ago!! Sadly, we assume that if we give people what they need, when it is our turn they will give us what we need, NOT!! During this recovery phase of my life, I have learned a hard but valuable lesson about people. THIS JUST IN: PEOPLE ARE SELFISH! It doesn't matter how good you are to them, people will be PEOPLE. If you are to recover mentally and physically not only do you have to build your team, you need to KNOW  your team!! Know the people who are surrounding you and know what they are capable and willing to do. If you have that friend that is low key selfish, this is NOT a job for them. If you have that friend who is emotionally unavailable, this is NOT the job for them. The person or people that you need during this time is the one's who love you enough to allow you to be weak, lean on them, and need them. Learn from me, don't have the wrong people in the wrong positions.

  • Take Courage:  Acknowledge what you are feeling!! As I said before women(some) are guilty of just ignoring their emotions until its too late. Just because you don't feel like Wonder Woman at the moment doesn't mean you have to hide your humanness. If you feel like crying, CRY. If you feel like venting, VENT.  If you feel like telling everyone to leave you alone, SAY SO. Be courageous enough to say and do what you need to do for you!
  • Do You: During your recovery phase do what makes you happy, start on that hobby that you have been thinking about, read that novel that has been sitting on your nightstand, or polish your nails that neon blue that your office frowns upon. This is a time to explore your fun options and engage in those ideas that make you smile, as long as it isn't physically damaging. Lets not get crazy!!
Happy Recovery!!!


  1. I didn't know you recently had surgery. I wish you a quick recovery.


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