
Showing posts from 2014

Surgery Update and Results: Inter.....WHAT?!

Finally its time, the long promised Surgery update and results. On March 27, 2014 I had my second surgery for Endometriosis. The purpose of the surgery was to see how the disease has progressed and what the next plan of action should be. I went into this procedure completely confident in my decision and the expertise of my wonderful doctor. I arrived to the hospital at peace and  ready to get the show on the road. I was delightfully surprised, the Women's Wing of Grady Hospital is really nice. If you know my relationship with Grady, then you understand my shock and awe. My nurses were wonderful and the entire experience was great. I had three procedures, A Hysteroscopy & Endometrial Ablation, A Cystoscopy, and an Abdominal Laparoscope. When all was scoped, burned, and invaded, I was closed up and sent to recovery. According to my family, recovery was a little unnerving. I was told that I had a hard time in recovery, it seems that they could not get the pain under control. I hav...

Surgery: The Psychological Recovery

I know...I know.... I have been MIA. There has been a lot going on in my world, with the most recent being my surgery. I am doing this a little bit backwards but I felt this topic was more pressing that the details of my surgery. I don't think that people realize that recovering from surgery is not just a physical process, it's emotional as well, especially surgeries that involve "female areas." Its because of my own realization of this process that I am writing this piece.  When we think of surgery recovery most people think of foods, comfort, entertainment, meds, childcare, the financial impact, and other life related things. I dare to say, the biggest and most important component is being overlooked. As women, we are emotional creatures and that is a wonderful thing. However, most of us try to suppress and ignore our emotional needs until they boil up and erupt. When it comes to surgery the same applies. Until we and the people around us understand and put measure...