Useless Uterus: My Infertility Story
Lets see, where should I begin, I guess the scene of crime is a good place to start. The crime, why do I call it a crime, you may wonder, because on one hand, I have been robbed, stolen from, hoodwinked, bamboozled, and lead astray. On the other hand, I could not imagine a more blessed and amazing situation, are you confused yet? Clearly the title has given you a clue as to what this post is going to be about, no more stonewalling, lets get to it. If you follow me on any social media or you have talked to me for any amount of time, then you know I have a deep love for my children, they are my reason for fighting. What you may not know is that, I did not give birth to them(insert gasp). Yes, you heard it hear folks, I am not their birth mother. Now, I am going to give you the basics but I will not share every lil detail. So here goes(in a nutshell), my period, from it's start(age 11) has been a thorn in my flesh. It was never regular, would disappear for months and just ...