
Showing posts from 2013

Endometriosis Tag Part I

The purpose of this tag is to generate conversation in the Endo Community and to share our experiences with others. This tag will be in two parts. I look forward to the interactions that I hope this activity will create.                                         The Tag Questions 1. How was your Endometriosis diagnosed? 2. How old were you when at the time of diagnosis? 3. What stage is your Endometriosis? 4. What is your current treatment plan? 5. How long have you gone without treatment? How did it effect you? 6. Name one doctor that has had a positive impact on you? 7. How bad is your pain? Do you suffer daily or just at cycle time? 8. One thing you refuse to let Endometriosis steal from you? 9. How has Endometriosis effected your quality of life? 10. What is one lesson that Endome...

Useless Uterus: My Infertility Story

Lets see, where should I begin, I guess the scene of crime is a good place to start. The crime, why do I call it a crime, you may wonder, because on one hand, I have been robbed, stolen from, hoodwinked, bamboozled, and lead astray. On the other hand, I could not imagine a more blessed and amazing situation, are you confused yet? Clearly the title has given you a clue as to what this post is going to be about, no more stonewalling, lets get to it.  If you follow me on any social media or you have talked to me for any amount of time, then you know I have a deep love for my children, they are my reason for fighting. What you may not know is that, I did not give birth to them(insert gasp). Yes, you heard it hear folks, I am not their birth mother.  Now, I am going to give you the basics but I will not share every lil detail. So here goes(in a nutshell), my period, from it's start(age 11) has been a thorn in my flesh. It was never regular, would disappear for months and just ...

So You're Sick....And??

Now that you have finally found out the name of the nemesis that has invaded your body, now that you are certain that its not in your head and that you aren't slowly going crazy, and you know that you are indeed in a battle with an illness for your health and well being. So you're sick....and?? Unfortunately, just because we are not who we were before being plagued and diagnosed, life does not stop. The bills will keep coming, the kids will continue to grow, your partner will still want sex, and time continues to pass. If we are to truly survive this thing called Endometriosis, we have to find a way to reinvent ourselves, to do what we use to do but in a different way. I am going to share with you a few things that I have implemented in my quest to become a more efficient and effective version of who I use to be, a modified and adapting me.                        ...

Getting Better Is My Business Part 1

Once upon a time, in my former life; you know the Pre Endometriosis and Invisible Illnesses days, I had a life. This life included a career in Education, a social life, traveling, and being very active in my church.  Isn't it funny how quickly and drastically things can change. One minute you are doing shots with your girls and the next moment you are taking shots in the ass, literally. I have spent years grieving the woman that I use to be, crying over what I thought was potential lost and a future consumed, well those days are over!  I am a new woman with a new purpose, focus, and vision. I don't have time to cry and grieve. I am who I am and that happens to be a woman navigating her way through life with a few unwanted companions tagging along. It has taken me a long time to get here but I AM HERE.  Now my focus is singular all I see is getting better and paving the way for other women like me to get better. Since Endometriosis and her friends have decided to...

Painful Periods Support Group

It is a sad truth that unless a person is experiencing what we do on a daily basis, it is hard for them to understand our plight. With this knowledge in mind and a few requests, I have created a support group for women like you and I. Women who are struggling with the Reproductive elements of womanhood. It is not just for EndoSisters, its for every woman who is crying out to God asking, what is wrong with me? why me? what did I do to deserve this? Unlike any other group, we will make a change, we will make our voices heard, and we will work tirelessly to get recognized and get solutions. So, come join us at .  I hope to see you there. *Survive & Thrive**

Periods,Pain, and You

Contrary to what we have been told ALL our lives, PERIODS SHOULD NOT BE PAINFUL! During your monthly cycle, mild pain that can be controlled by OTC pain meds is commonly normal.  However, if your pain level has reached a level 10 and is climbing, if you are curled up in a fetal ball, if you are crying in agony or like me, making MONTHLY trips to the Emergency Room; you are having ABNORMAL menstrual cycles.  Pain like this should not be passed off as a woman's lot in life. It should be taken seriously and brought to the attention of your Gynecologist immediately! Gone are the days when we could pass off our periods as a painful monthly inconvenience.  No longer can we turn our heads and reach for the Tylenol, praying for relief that rarely comes.  Our lives, fertility, family lineage, future, and womanhood are being threatened.  Its time to call this enemy out by its name and let it know that we are ready to fight for our lives!  No,...