Periods,Pain, and You
Contrary to what we have been told ALL our lives, PERIODS SHOULD NOT BE PAINFUL! During your monthly cycle, mild pain that can be controlled by OTC pain meds is commonly normal. However, if your pain level has reached a level 10 and is climbing, if you are curled up in a fetal ball, if you are crying in agony or like me, making MONTHLY trips to the Emergency Room; you are having ABNORMAL menstrual cycles. Pain like this should not be passed off as a woman's lot in life. It should be taken seriously and brought to the attention of your Gynecologist immediately! Gone are the days when we could pass off our periods as a painful monthly inconvenience. No longer can we turn our heads and reach for the Tylenol, praying for relief that rarely comes. Our lives, fertility, family lineage, future, and womanhood are being threatened. Its time to call this enemy out by its name and let it know that we are ready to fight for our lives! No,...